competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs Published this article page no 59 The dangerous kind, who believes in no conventions, will do everything in their own way. Their behavior may cause pain to others and discomfort to family and friends, but they are not bothered. They consider themselves as right and others as wrong and sometimes fools. They dislike, rather hate any preaching or advise and are the rebels of the society. These people may not always be very brave, but cowards. They are comfortable doing things in their own way but may be very selfish. The last type is original and mature. This type is balanced. These people dont laugh at every convention, nor wish to break all of them. They maturely try to understand the why and then decide the correct course of action. For them if the conventional way is found correct, they will follow that otherwise they will chart their own course. This personality is inventive and reflective. These people try to develop a view of how things should be to make a happy world. These people will be ready to make sacrifices, risk their lives and are ready to fight conventions and set thoughts if they find them dangerous. Such people can become great leaders who can lead their group to a better future mahendra current affairs buy.

master In current Affairs

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