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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Constitution Of India Chart

Constitution Of India Chart

Constitution Of India Chart Published this article page no  39  Music and Movies - Movies and music can be fun and inspirational, but most of the movies today are very sinful. Todays movies are full of such sinful things as sexual encounters that are out of marriage or with the same sex, cussing or using Jesuss name in vain, and there are numerous movies these days that show or try to let us think that dabbling with spells, sorcery and witchcraft are ok, when the Bible clearly says that any witchcraft or sorcery is wrong and can open the door to demon forces.  Sexual perversions - Pornography is very addicitve and often leads to more and more perverted sexual desires, such as same sex encounters and sex with animals which is growing more and more in todays perverted world, all of which is evil and wrong according to the Bible and Jesus. Demons can use these filthy and perverted desires to weaken our wills and mental states, until we allow them to enter us, and possess us constitution of india chart pdf buy.

Constitution Of India Chart

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