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Friday, November 19, 2021

grihalakshmi magazine

 grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine Overall, German exports are up for the third-straight month and sales to countries outside of the European Union rose 18% annually from a year earlier. Clearly, the Germans are good at making stuff and selling it to the world, and the weaker euro is helping spur growth. Germanys DAX stock index is taking notice and is up nearly 20% year-to-date.  Meanwhile, U.S. exports are up a paltry 2% since 2000. Although exports to China are up 35% during this same period, Americans are now buying seven times more from China than we are selling to them.  Grihalakshmi A good reason why is that, according to research by Morgan Stanleys Stephen Roach, consumer spending represents 71% of Americas gross domestic product. The figure is 42% for China and 55% for Japan.  Speaking of Japan, the aftermath of the financial bubble has obscured the fact that it too, remains an exporting powerhouse, despite a currency that has risen more than 20% since 2002 and 13% this year alone. Just look at Japans current account surpluses over the past three years: $113 billion in 2002, $136 billion in 2003 and $172 billion in 2004. China is a major market, and despite political difficulties, bilateral trade between China and Japan now exceeds trade between Japan and America grihalaxmi magazine hindi online.

 grihalakshmi magazine

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