competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Competition Success Review

 Competition Success Review

Competition Success Review published this article page no 3 iraq is bleeding this country financially and is in the very beginning of destroying our social fabric. you can count the children serving in iraq of our senators and congressmen and white house staff on the fingers of a mutilated left hand. why is it that the so called folks who run the government never seem to have their childrens blood spilled on these foreign adventures? they are always willing to send somebody else to die. by the way just so you know i consider myserlf a conservative republican that is appalled at the actions of the leaders i participated in putting into office. this is not the party of barry goldwater who believed that abortion is a personal right who believed that you dont wage wars unless you bring overwhelming force to the objective. this party has turned into a party of elitists who were elected by average citizens just trying to do the right thing. at the same time these elected leaders are not responsive to us. strange as it may seem we elect our leaders and after the election the lobbyists own them. how can you possibly spend a hundred billion dollars on drugs for senior citizens a program i support and not write into the law that the government has the right to negotiate lower prices for these drugs? wow the drug companies give the republicans over $10 million to fund the election and the republicans give the drug companies another $20 to $40 billion dollars in excess payments for their drugs. frankly the payoff wasnt big enough. how did it come to this point? the republicans always stood for the rights of the individuals and fiscal responsibility competition success review magazine Subscribe online.

 Competition Success Review

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