competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, September 25, 2021

banking service chronicle

 banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle Frauds in Forex trading have telltale signs and you must be aware of these. Be wary of schemes that offer quick riches.  An experienced Forex brokers will tell you currency trading is not a risk free business and only those with real analytical methods can succeed in the field. And, even when projections seem sound, there is no way of telling exactly how strong a currency will hold out against many factors. So watch out for those who promise large profits no matter the economic condition is. banking service chronicle monthly magazine  Most brokers ask for margin investments. If you are not fully aware of how this works, do not venture into it. You may be losing s more than you earn in the long run. Beware also of the “interbank market” service that brokers may offer. In reality, only large banks, corporations and investment institutions have access to this loose network of currency traders.    To be sure about the credibility of the brokers you are getting, study their profiles and company background seriously and extensively. Stick with a shortlist of firms that are registered with the regulatory commission on commodity futures banking service chronicle monthly magazine subscription.

 banking service chronicle

meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

meri saheli magazine yearly subscription A comprehensive forex broker list includes investment banks with dealing rooms, commercial banks with treasury operations, and online brokerages that serve a larger market. The investment banks with forex trading capabilities include Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Prudential Securities and Bear Sterns. Some of the brokerage services are not directly accessible for all customers. meri saheli magazine price For example, inter-bank market dealers and treasury operations in commercial banks handle large customer orders themselves. The top commercial banks in the Forex Broker List, having inter-bank and treasury operations, are JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, CitiBank, Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Fleet Bank, US Bank, HSBC Bank, Sun Trust Bank, Bank of New York, State Street, Chase Manhattan Bank, Key Bank, Branch Bank, PNC Bank, Lasalle Bank, South Trust Bank, MBNA America Bank, Fifth Third Bank. The online forex broker list of smaller forex accounts sees new entrants almost on a daily basis. The online forex broker list includes Forex Capital Markets, MG Financial Group, CMS Forex, Global Forex Trading, GCI Forex Direct,, GAIN Capital, Real time Forex SA (Geneva), Global Forex, Commerce Bank and Trust, FX Solutions, Forex MHV, swissDirekt (Swiss), Goetz Financial Forex, NY Broker Borsentermin AG, Act Forex, Online Trader, Shield FX Online Currency Trading, Forex Trade Signals, CMC Group PLC, Foreign Currency Direct Limited (UK), FX Advantage, FXCM, Forex Millenium, ACM REFCO, REFCO Spot, Easy Forex, Online Forex Trading Inc., Lincoln Corporation, Global Trade Waves, Ltd., and CIBC FX Web Dealing meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

 meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Friday, September 24, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

HOW DO Economic Events impact Global Currencies:

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Foreign exchange traders put the most emphasis on technical analysis, because traders around the world use similar charts and tools in predicting market trends. The reason the FOREX market can be so predictable some times is that if the majority are using the same graph for determining patterns and trends, then it is highly likely that they will act in a similar manner. So several thousand traders who have all charted the same resistance line, for example, will most likely either set their trades and direction conform to that line.  When fundamental data is made available to the public there is a reaction from investors and speculators. Information in the form of news and economic indicators is more vague than that of technical indicators. There is a lot of gray area in this type of analysis. The market will ultimately react to how people think the economic data compares to the current market situation.  Economic indicators usually reveal information that Should cause a currency to go up in price or May cause a currency to go down. The words SHOULD & MAY in the quotes above reveal the ambiguity of the fundamental data. Here is an example of what analyzing fundamental data is like. Lets suppose there are six economic indicators (there are a lot more) Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.


Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription 

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

HOW DO Economic Events impact Global Currencies:

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Lets call our six indicators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Now we wait for the data from our indicators to be published in a financial magazine or at an online source. We get the readings for our economic data for the EURO as following: Indicator 1: is in a range where the Euro may go up Indicator 2: is in a range where the Euro should go up Indicator 3: is in a range where the Euro could go down Indicator 4: is in a range where the Euro usually goes down Indicator 5: is in a range where the Euro could go up Indicator 6: is in a range where the Euro may go down By looking at the above indicators, you dont know what the Euro is going to do. Furthermore, currencies are always traded in pairs. So you would have to get the fundamental data for another currency pair and compare it with the EURO. I think you can image that this is not a simple task.  I do not want to discourage you away from fundamental data. The best way to learn is to learn about one piece of economic data at a time. Eventually you will build a puzzle from all of the fundamental and technical data and make more informed trading decisions Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.


Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

How To  Start Trading The Forex Market? (part 3)


Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription More and more well informed investor and entrepreneurs are diversifying their traditional investments like stocks, bonds & commodities with foreign currency because of the following reasons: 1) FOREX is the largest financial market in the world. With a daily trading volume of over $1.5 trillion, the spot FOREX market can absorb trading sizes that dwarf the capacity of any other market. In fact, when compared with the $50 billion daily market for equities or the $30 billion futures market, it becomes quickly apparent this gives you, and millions of other FOREX traders, almost infinite trading liquidity and flexibility. 2) FOREX is a True 24-hour market. The FOREX Market never sleeps.  Trading positions can be entered and exited at any moment around the globe, around the clock, 5.5 days a week. There is no waiting for an opening bell as in the case of trading stocks. It is a 24- hour, continuous electronic (ONLINE) currency exchange that never closes. This is very desirable for you if you want to trade on a part-time basis, because you can choose when you want to trade: morning, noon or night.  3) There is never a Bear Market in FOREX.  You can have access to a seamless exchange of currencies. Currencies trade in pairs (for example, US dollar vs. JPY (YEN) or US dollar vs. CHF (Swiss franc), one side of every currency pair (for example, USD/CHF) is constantly moving in relation to the other. Thus, when you buy a particular currency, you are actually simultaneously selling the other currency in that particular pair. As the market moves, one of the currencies will increase in value versus the other. Of course, it is up to you to choose the correct currency to be long ( you bought) or short( you sold) Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.


Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 44 the blackpool tower has stood over the seaside town of blackpool lancashire in england for over a century since its completion in 1984. it has become one of the major tourist attractions that blackpool has to offer. the tower stands 158 meters or 518 feet tall. its shape and form was inspired by the great eiffel tower in france but unlike the parisian masterpiece the blackpool tower is not freestanding. though it was originally built to be an observation vantage point the tower also holds numerous establishments including a ballroom and the tower circus arena which is located at the base of the structure. sad as it may seem the blackpool tower nearly reached its end around the 1920s. the reason for this is the fact that the original paintjob on the structure was so poor that the tower had started to corrode. this caused the discussion on whether the tower should be taken down or not the engineers then came to conclusion that they would repair and rebuild the damage instead of taking the entire piece down. the tower has also had its share of tragic events – of note is when a ship mistook the tower for a lighthouse turned around drifted away and was wrecked. a great feature of the blackpool tower is the glass floor that has been built into the top level. this allows those above to look straight down onto the road below. this feature of the blackpool tower is popular with almost every tourist that came to visit. the blackpool tower ballroom is the venue or a lot of great events and functions and has even been voted as one of the most magnificent ballrooms in the entire world. the tower also holds the blackpool tower circus arena and the circus has never missed one season since the day that it opened. another interesting feature about the blackpool tower is its aquarium that has been known to hold numerous species of fish and marine life. something that not everyone knows about the blackpool tower is that the structure has been constructed so that if it ever collapses – the greater mass of it would fall into the sea. another thing is the fact that the blackpool tower base is stealthily concealed by the different buildings that surrounds it. the city of blackpool will always attract visitors who have a fine taste for performing arts the splendid culture of the place and the architectural wonder of the blackpool tower adds up to the must visit reason of everyone junior science refresher magazine subscription.

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 45 talia describes her practice as high end family law. she dons a black magistrates robe and presides over hearings in a mock courtroom she has set up in her private chambers. she cloaks herself in this revered garment without having been bestowed the honor of a public trust. like all of her covert fraternity she has taken no oath of office. she is not bound by a code of ethics and a set of procedural standards. despite standing court orders requiring it often no court reporter is present. this judges niche is servicing high powered wealthy men who want to get the advantage in the divorce arena. in her thirty years as an attorney she has collected a cadre of friends and collaborators who satisfy the customer by skewing custody evaluations and termination of family support. talia explains how the system works underground system will have to evolve promoted by the forward-thinking lawyers mediators and individuals who insist on a better solution and are willing to operate outside the system to create it...the beauty of such an underground system is that it builds its own success creating a track record of better results lower cost and more satisfied customers. the systems satisfied customers are sending big numbers of referrals to these private judges. according to a scathing article by michael hiltzik in the los angeles times in march of 2006 titled private justice can be yours if youre rich these judges are carrying at least 20 cases at a time. california law is unique junior science refresher magazine subscription.

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 43 aung san suu kyi is a much revered opposition leader in myanmar (burma) (born 1945). she has bravely resisted - and still does - the murderous military regime in her homeland and has won the 1991 nobel peace prize. her mother was ambassador to india in the 1960s. she is cherished by all her countrymen. moreover aung san suu kyi is the daughter of an illustrious figure in burmese history a national hero - aung san who was murdered in 1947. aung san may be a hero to the burmese but he has collaborated with the japanese war-crime tainted military machine throughout the second world war - though he conveniently switch allegiances to the winning side five months before the japanese capitulated. aung san raised a burmese contingent - the burma independence army - to assist the japanese in their invasion of burma in 1942. he was rewarded with the post of minister of defense in ba maws puppet government (1943-5). in march 1945 in what amounted to a coup he opportunistically defected together with the burma national army to the allies and worked closely with the british whom he hitherto claimed to have been fighting for independence. when the war was over he established a private militia under his commend - the peoples volunteer organization. he proceeded to negotiate burmas independence from britain and its first elections. he was murdered - with his brother and four others - probably by a political opponent u saw in 1947 junior science refresher magazine subscription.

 Junior Science Refresher

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Competition Success Review

 Competition Success Review

Competition Success Review published this article page no 3 iraq is bleeding this country financially and is in the very beginning of destroying our social fabric. you can count the children serving in iraq of our senators and congressmen and white house staff on the fingers of a mutilated left hand. why is it that the so called folks who run the government never seem to have their childrens blood spilled on these foreign adventures? they are always willing to send somebody else to die. by the way just so you know i consider myserlf a conservative republican that is appalled at the actions of the leaders i participated in putting into office. this is not the party of barry goldwater who believed that abortion is a personal right who believed that you dont wage wars unless you bring overwhelming force to the objective. this party has turned into a party of elitists who were elected by average citizens just trying to do the right thing. at the same time these elected leaders are not responsive to us. strange as it may seem we elect our leaders and after the election the lobbyists own them. how can you possibly spend a hundred billion dollars on drugs for senior citizens a program i support and not write into the law that the government has the right to negotiate lower prices for these drugs? wow the drug companies give the republicans over $10 million to fund the election and the republicans give the drug companies another $20 to $40 billion dollars in excess payments for their drugs. frankly the payoff wasnt big enough. how did it come to this point? the republicans always stood for the rights of the individuals and fiscal responsibility competition success review magazine Subscribe online.

 Competition Success Review

Friday, September 10, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription  published this is article page no 44 the constitution of the confederacy prohibited african slave trade (buying slaves from africa) though it allowed interstate trade in slaves. the first confederate capital was in montgomery alabama - not in richmond virginia. the term of office of the confederate president - jefferson davis was the first elected - was six years not four as was the case in the union. fort sumter was not the first attack of the confederacy on the union. it was preceded by attacks on 11 forts and military installations on confederate territory. lincoln won only 40 percent of the popular vote in 1860. hence the souths fierce resistance to his abolitionist agenda. in 1864 the republicans became so unpopular they had to change their name to the union party. lincolns vice-president johnson actually was a democrat and hailed from tennessee a seceding state. he was the only senator from a seceded state to remain in the senate. reconstruction started long before the war ended in union-occupied louisiana arkansas and tennessee. slave tax was an important source of state revenue in the south (up to 60 percent in south carolina). emancipation led to near bankruptcy. the union states of connecticut minnesota and wisconsin refused to pass constitutional amendments to confer suffrage on black males. the union army consigned black labor gangs to work on the plantations of loyal southerners and forcibly separated the black workers from their families. contrary to myth nearly two thirds of black families were headed by both parents. slave marriages were legally meaningless in the antebellum south though. but nearly 90 percent of slave households remained intact till death or forced separation. the average age of childbirth for women was 20. segregation was initiated by blacks. the freedmen lobbied hard and long for separate black churches and educational facilities. nor was lynching confined to blacks. for instance a white mob lynched in september 1862 forty four union supporters in gainesville texas. similar events took place in shelton laurel north carolina. the ku klux klan was the paramilitary arm of the democratic party in the south though never officially endorsed by it. it was used to discipline the workforce in the plantations - but also targeted republicans. the democrats changed their name after the war to the conservative party. by 1877 they have regained power in all formerly confederate states Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription  published this is article page no 43 there are many reasons why countries small and large are reviewing the needs for national identification cards. many of the reasons have to do with immigration border control and some are simply economic. when considering national identification cards for a country its fairly simple to understand the perceived need to clearly identify someones nationality for reasons from employment to citizenship benefits. even when reviewing who should receive medical or any other service offered by a government to its citizens and to protect these services so they are not abused by individuals whose citizenship is with another country. the only form of national identification is a printed piece of paper in many countries and because of this many of these nations are reviewing their possibilities. these documents are simple to forge since they dont contain a picture or other identifying marks other than being the person holding the document. reducing the abuse of services and controlling costs is reason enough to implement a national photo id card and database. because of these needs and many others it is apparent that some of the information on the identification cards would include characteristics of the holder such as height weight sex and eye color. some nations have included items such as retinal scan information and finger prints into the national database and into the identification cards themselves. some of the countries that are entertaining or beginning this process do not have an up to date account on its current residents or even census information on their citizens. implementing a national identification card into a country such as this allows for many other needed benefits such as tracking the activity of its citizens when it comes to border crossings criminal records government employment history or military service Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription  published this is article page no 45 presently many of these countries have databases to track these items but most are independent of each other. creating a national id card would allow the merging of all of these databases into a common solution that would allow for a much simpler identification and review of an individuals history. as governments review these types of requirements it has become in many cases a task for outsourcing. for many nations undertaking the monumental feat of photographing capturing information and providing id cards to every citizen is too large for governments to handle efficiently. there have been a few companies providing solutions for nations and one of them is this organization has been providing photo identification cards for individuals for about seven years and have created solutions that incorporate much more than simply providing cards. in many cases solutions have been developed for countries that are not only easy to implement but also provide an economic benefit for the countries implementing them. simply put when outsourcing the identification card needs of a country to a provider such as the costs are less expensive than they would be if a nation took on the burden of developing a solution internally. because of the discounted expense the country can charge the citizens less for the id cards than they would if the nation was passing the expense along directly to the resident. this would still leave a financial margin that would be paid to the government. it is hard to find an economic reason for a government not to implement a national identification card system. advocates will shout that big brother is stripping them of their rights and privacy but shouldnt someone be watching our criminal records military service and border crossings? doesnt a government have the responsibility to ensure that only their citizens are receiving benefits from their own country or should anyone be allowed to receive these benefits when their citizenship belongs to another nation Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 25 when you hit a blot it is moved to the middle of the board to the part divided between the home board and the outer boards called the bar. the checkers placed on the bar are kept out of play until the bar can be entered by a dice roll in the opponents home boards. for example if you roll 2 you can enter a checker to the 23 point and enter the opponents home board and re enter the bar checkers into the game. you cannot move the other checkers unless your entire bar checkers are at your opponents home board. by the time your checkers are in your home board you must remove the checkers from the board to bear off using a roll of dice. for example if you roll 1 you can bear off one checker from the 1 point if you roll 2 you can move a checker form the 2 point and so on. if your opponent has not borne off any checkers while you have borne off 15 checkers you win the gammon. if your opponent has not borne off any checkers and still some of his checkers are placed on the bar while you have borne off 15 checkers then you win the backgammon banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 24 the backgammon play begins with both players tossing one die. the player whose outcome is the highest makes the first move using both his and his opponents number. if the outcome of the dice toss is even the players toss the dice again until an uneven outcome appears. from now on each player tosses both dice on his turn. after each toss of dice you should move your checkers forward the number of steps appears on both dice. you can move either one checker the number of steps summed up by both die or move two checkers. to make it clearer if the outcome of the dice roll is 5 and 4 you can either move one checker 9 steps forward or move one checker 5 steps forward and then move the other piece 4 steps forward if the dice rolls a double which means an even number on both dice you can move double the number appears on the dice. for example if you roll double 2 you can move 2 points four times. in that case you can either move one checker 8 steps forward move two checkers a total of 4 steps move two checkers a total of 2 steps each plus a total of 4 steps move one checker a total of 6 steps plus 2 steps or move four checkers 2 steps. you can move a checker to a point where there is another one of your checkers or no more than one checker of your opponent called blot banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

banking services chronicle current affairs

 banking services chronicle current affairs

Published this article : banking services chronicle current affairs  On April 8 2003 in a testimony before the Senate Steel Caucus industry executives urged legislators to ignore the future decision of a World Trade Organization appeals panel widely expected to uphold an earlier preliminary ruling that U.S.-imposed steel tariffs flouted international trade law. Several senators called on the United States to withdraw from the multilateral body. Wilbur Ross chairman of International Steel Group blamed the burgeoning balance of payments deficit on the rulings and regulations of the WTO. According to Steve Seidenberg in the National Law Journal defiance of the WTO is a growing trend. Gary Horlick of the Washington DC law firm Wilmer Cutler & Pickering reckons that one in seven judgments rendered by the WTOs dispute mechanisms have been hitherto ignored. Nor is the USA alone in its transgressions. Ten polities - including the European Union and Canada - are serial violators. The WTO cannot enforce its decrees. It can only grant complainants permission to retaliate by imposing their own tariffs on products imported from the unrepentant country. This is a blunt and ineffective instrument. Experts warn of a return to unilateralism with the entire edifice of multilateral trade law discredited. Revamping the dispute settlement rules is one item on the agenda of the current phase of trade negotiations dubbed in a November 2001 WTO Ministerial Conference the Doha Development Round. Like the rest of the itinerary it is going nowhere fast. Alarmed by a looming and unrealistic deadline on May 31 2003 the Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) Peter Balas proposed to first concentrate on a framework document followed by a draft text. But as James Wolfensohn the former President of the World Bank observed with everyone preoccupied with Baghdad Doha - arguably far more crucial to the global economy - is sidelined. This is unfortunate - and ominous. The 146 members of the WTO - the newest one being Macedonia - failed to agree on the future shape of farm trade by the stipulated deadline of March 31 2003. The goalposts were then moved again and again with a deadline conference in December 2005. The September 2003 Ministerial Conference convenes in Cancun Mexico was an abysmal failure. In the meantime the multilateral regime which bolstered international trade in the past 10 years is being supplanted by a patchwork of bilateral and regional treaties albeit subject to WTO rules. Scholars disagree whether in the absence of a global compact these are preferable to the status quo. But everyone accepts that international rules are the best option. But divisions run deep. India - an important player and the unofficial spokesperson for the less privileged club - joined Cuba Egypt Malaysia Dominican Republic Honduras and Jamaica in demanding special and differential developing country provisions. With Indonesia Malaysia Mauritius Egypt Kenya Nigeria Tanzania Uganda and Zimbabwe it insists on preferential market access for the groups non-agricultural goods. The developing countries regard the previous Uruguay Round as a rip-off perpetrated by the club of developed and industrialized countries at the expense of the indigent. They have sworn not be led down the garden path again. Hence their furious resistance to demands to expand the negotiations to include such issues as animal welfare food safety and labeling and the protection of geographical trade names. They see these as thinly veiled attempts to introduce trade restraints through the backdoor. Instead they want to concentrate on their main exports - agricultural produce and textiles - on tariff reductions and preferences special treatment for certain products and safeguard provisions. Some of them want rich-world farm and export subsidies - totaling more than $300 billion a year - dramatically reduced or even eliminated altogether. Export credits and state-owned trading enterprises are also contentious topics. The atmosphere is so dour that no one even broaches industrial tariffs and anti-dumping. Poor countries are especially incensed at the United States for having torpedoed an agreement to grant poor countries access to generic drugs to fight AIDS and other diseases - and at the European Union for postponing any serious tweaking of its egregious Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to 2013. The United States - faced with inane European subventions - raised its own farm support by a whopping four fifths in May 2003. Yet it is still far below EU largesse. America is also the prime driver - together with the Cairns group of agricultural exporters (including Canada New Zealand Australia and Brazil) - of a bold initiative to cut subsidies down to 5 percent of production to slash tariffs to 25 percent and to abolish all export-related aid. Japan insensitively is trying to reduce its rice import quota. Together with Norway India the EU and South Korea - known as the friends of multifunctionality - it is championing an unworkable linear formula by which countries should cut subsidies and tariffs equally irrespective of prevailing levels of farm aid. Even so the EU would like to slash subsidies by no more than 45 to 55 percent and tariffs by less than 36 percent as per the WTOs Agreement on Agriculture. Nor is the camp of developing countries either homogeneous or cohesive. African and Caribbean nations enjoy preferential access to markets in the EU and the United States. Others - notably India - are terrified of the inevitable onslaught of efficient competition following farm liberalization. But no country rich or poor seems to be preparing its agricultural sector to cope with the impact of a successful Doha round. Time is running out. The term of Pascal Lamy the EUs capable trade commissioner ended in 2004 and he was replaced by Peter Mandelson. President George Bushs fast track negotiating authority expires in 2007 if he makes it that far. As The Economist warns the peace clause yielded by the Uruguay Round elapsed on December 31 2003. While in force it prevented a deluge of farm-related litigation from erupting on the scene. A trickle is already evident Brazil has sued both the USA and the EU over cotton and sugar subsidies respectively. Textile wars erupted between China and both the EU and the USA and were settled by inconclusive short-term agreements. The crisis at the WTO is part of a global transition from the multilateralism that characterized the Cold War - to unilateralism or rather bilateralism. The breakdown of consensus-based alliances strains international institutions and laws. National - or supranational - interests emerge as renewed sources of legitimacy. While the United States may be blamed for the demise of political multilateralism - it is the EU that is largely responsible for the collapse of the international economic order. The Doha Development Agenda falls prey to these geopolitical upheavals as it tries to tackle the most prickly issues. In a presentation in March 2003 to the 3rd International Temperate Rice Conference in Punte del Este Uruguay Dan Horovitz of the Theodore Goddard law firm in Brussels reminded the participants how uncertain the outcomes are Whereas the average non-agricultural worldwide tariff is 4 percent the average tariff imposed by developed countries on agricultural products is 40 percent with peaks as high as 500 percent ... The new Rounds negotiations are of paramount importance for the very viability and credibility of the WTO system. A failure to provide for proper solutions to the problems of the global agricultural trade would have particularly devastating results not only for trade in agriculture but for the current trading system as a whole. banking services chronicle current affairs

 banking services chronicle current affairs

banking service chronicle address

 banking service chronicle address

Published this article : banking service chronicle address  Comedian Chevy Chase when he anchored the first Saturday Night Live faux-news desk had a running joke that satirized post-mortem the endless medical updates provided by the public relations machine of a dying dictator ... Heres a bulletin from Spain Doctors are reporting that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is holding fast in his valiant fight to remain dead! The point of course was that neither the Spanish public nor the global public at the time was ever fooled by the propaganda of Francos terminal condition during his last days. The tweak also carried undertones that no government could overcome the forces of nature no matter what it announced. That brings us to the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Anyone who has been to the Gulf Coast says that the media images of the devastation there --- no matter how hard they try --- just cannot convey the scope of the disaster. Vast segments of the region have literally been blown back a couple of centuries to a time when electricity telephones running water and the like were either a luxury or a futuristic concept. Usual conveniences such as food shopping are still a major challenge to many. Some jobs may have left with Katrina like her they may never return. This doesnt look like its going to get much better anytime soon either. I thought of this while taking a second look at the pages on the Longer Life site all of which include the American Red Cross public service ad which appeals for donations to their hurricane relief fund. The appeals are just as urgent and relevant today as they were when they were first posted. I sometimes wonder though if those who view them dont get so accustomed to their presence that they ultimately look past them. I know the plan at the Longer Life site is to keep them in place until all needs are met which in my opinion means the Red Cross will be a fixture on their pages for a long time to come. The American government recently released over 100000 pages of documents which dealt with their handling of the crisis. Its notable in the impression that they didnt give the matter much more attention than they would have if the affected area was a third-world country. Having said that the sheer volume of funds required to repair and rebuild is staggering. For example its been cited in the Los Angeles Times that the costliest public works project to date was the shift of freeways in Boston to an underground route. The price tag was $14.6 billion the time factor was 14 years and the object of the exercise was to move just under eight miles of roadway into a tunnel. The Gulf Coast reclamation is going to involve much more than eight miles of tunneling. Its been reported that the federal commitment to this task has already exceeded $62 billion. One third of that amount has already been deployed and it can fairly be said that its effects are hardly noticed. This total will be added to the federal deficit of course right along with the billions being spent to do whatever it is they currently say theyre doing in Iraq. If the current administration holds fast to its pledge against raising taxes the implication is that a host of cuts in other programs are inevitable. Thus Americans wont have to be located along the Gulf Coast to somehow share in its devastation. Among other things some interest groups are now taking a close look at how funds are being utilized and allocated. Allegations of misappropriations and the like are sure to follow. Contrast this state of affairs with the recent earthquake in Pakistan. The magnitude of that disaster was similarly breathtaking. If you missed it the Richter scale measured the quake at 7.8 and an estimated 87000 people were killed. Their government already depends upon the USA for much of its additional aid. It may be a while before they see anything significant to assist in this natural tragedy. One city there will have additional help. Its coming in the form of lottery winnings. A gentleman named Ishan Khan hit it big while working in the USA as a taxi driver. He nailed a $55 million jackpot and took his winnings up front netting over $32 million. Mr Khan moved back to his homeland where that amount of money can spend like $1 billion and where he instantly became one of Pakistans most wealthy private individuals. Its obvious to Mr Khan that private assistance is necessary for relief efforts there to have any immediacy. His village Batagram lost 4500 citizens in the 8 Oct quake and surely a good number of those were known to him. Heres the Associated Press account of his response to date Just days before the earthquake Khan was elected district nazim or mayor of Batagram. After the quake hit he helped pull survivors from the rubble and paid to get the most seriously injured to regional hospitals. He told pharmacists he would pay them later for dispensing all the medicine on their shelves. The bill came to 10 million rupees almost $200000. Khan has bankrolled a program to supply roofing materials to rebuild shattered homes. He bought 150 tents some of which occupy land just outside his mansion with panoramic views of snowcapped peaks. Most important Khan has emerged as a colorful and outspoken critic of local government corruption. In recent days the blue-eyed nazim — who refers to himself simply as Khan — has dismissed the towns police chief and fired another official. Khan promises to continue the housecleaning. We have a calamity and people are lazy unable to move he says. So I started firing people. Relief workers are impressed. Hes a take-charge person says Aziuddin Ahmad who works with a Malaysian aid group. With that record Im sure there would be a good number of towns along the Gulf Coast that would elect him to public office too. With so much money required both public accountability and private incentive are imperative if the effects of these disasters are to be overcome. Lets hope that interest groups in both the USA and Pakistan monitor the former closely and with the greater good in mind. Meanwhile lets not let those Red Cross ads blend into the background. As Mr Khan has exemplified there is no more effective actions than those taken by personal incentive. Do whatever you can do to make sure your governmental representatives understand that accountability in dispersing relief funds is important to taxpayers and can shear years from the completion date of reclamation projects. More directly anytime --- now or whenever as this effort is going to take years to accomplish --- you have a bit of funds to spare forsake the costs of a night on the town or its equivalent and click on the Red Cross ad. Perhaps your donation wont come from winning the lottery but the knowledge that youve helped a disaster victim in need will make it feel like you did. banking service chronicle address

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banking services chronicle annual subscription

 banking services chronicle annual subscription

Published this article : banking services chronicle annual subscription   Going to the moon again is causing far more controversy today than it could have back in the sixties. Some Americans doubt we can afford it and others are not sure they have seen the giant leap for mankind that the first moon shot promised. It depends on who you ask but dont dare ask me. I didnt think the first moon landing had much significance for reasons that few people share with me. President Bush announced an ambitious plan to return to the moon by 2013-15 near the birthplace of modern flight Kitty Hawk North Carolina. The centenary of flight celebrations was held in Kill Devil Hills in December of 2003 where the President will announced plans to allow NASA to offer up its best to the effort. With funding from congress to supplement their 15.5 billion dollar existing budget NASA will have to do a great deal of aggressive re-tooling and budget squeezing to pull it off by the proposed deadline. I have talked to MIT and Harvard grads who still think that if a rocket whizzes by you in space it makes a whooshing sound much like a jet craft does in the atmosphere. Someone forgot to tell them there is no sound where there is no air. So what you say? Some of these grads are aware that even if we could travel at warp 9 (Star Treks imaginary multiplication of the speed of light) that it would take about one hundred thousand years to make the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy and upon return the earth would be about 1.2 million years older than it is today. But why harp on the small stuff. Only once since I began a twenty year fascination with Einsteins time/light theory have I heard from anyone connected to NASA who dared to address this fact to a sublimely ignorant public. He was hushed up in the slow lane with indifference and a public that couldnt tell you how the world can make it through the next decade without imploding. With a list of almost infinite problems how can we think of getting people out that far much less plan for the return of our astronauts after 4000 generations of time. Im not anti-science in fact I think our world has only improved because of it. But science should be no less immune from a serious reality check than was the church in the dark ages. I believe in the bible  and Im sure it gives us only a very short time to the second coming of Christ. But even at that I would never put the bible against science. I am satisfied that science is the book of how and the bible is the book of why. Being a bible believing Christian I also have another view about space travel. It is hard to believe that every Christian may not agree with me. Until the cost of getting to the moon is more affordable if ever I think the money could be spent more effectively right here on earth and we could be satisfied with singing the official state song of Vermont which is Moonlight in Vermont. Almost every starving child in the world could be fed and clothed for a decade for the cost of sending up only one moon shot. My bible my conscience my common sense and every bone in my body says that would be a far better way to spend the fifteen billion bucks. I know there are those who will think this is a preposterous proposal and perhaps it is. So I will offer yet one more proposal that I think is on the same level as sticking America with a fifteen billion dollar bill just to bring back a few moon rocks. We could look for that cow you know the one who jumped over the moon. We could train his aim for a while so he could hit the darned moon next time. He could jump back with the rocks and dust for our scientists to look over and wed save a bundle of taxpayers cash. Blue moon I saw you standing alone without a dream in your heart Watch out were back . banking services chronicle annual subscription

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