competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 43 i know governor pataki was making a joke when he said that john kerry has to google himself every morning to see where he stands on the issues but he wasnt so far off the truth in retrospect. if i could have one prayer answered in politics and i believe its going to be answerd this would be it. i would like to see every candidate liberal or conservative raise 100% of their financial backing from the internet and be free from these special interests and lobbyists that are destroying the democratic basis of our country. i dont want the drug companies to dictate pricing to medicare for drugs for senior citizens. i also dont want teachers lobbies dictating education in this country banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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