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Friday, July 23, 2021

banking services chronicle may 2020 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2020 pdf 

banking services chronicle may 2020 pdf Published this article page no   To answer this great scourge of death with the bible is to begin with the premise that everyone believes that the bible has something to say about it and that it is authoritative. For those who have put the bible on the shelf with literature simple narrative history or fiction this premise is futile. Others who think the bible is a book of nice little morality stories that may be inspired in spots are left to hope that that may get enough inspiration to spot the spots. It is doubtful that a person who has disregarded the book of life will take any further cues from nature or simple humanity. In general animals dont recklessly destroy their offspring. In all but the most backward civilizations of the world most of humanity also frowns on the destruction of their own young. If a people ignore the guides and warnings available to us all the bible has little chance of turning on any lights for them. Yet that in no way can eliminate the fact that the bible has plenty to say about it. Both the bible and other annals of history show us that it was considered a blessing to be able to have children. In fact a woman who was barren was usually thought to be nearly under a curse. Times have changed and in America Roe V. Wade has not just changed the times but has twisted it into a warp. Now it is considered almost a rude interference to be pregnant. Science has provided us with a scientific term that makes it easy not to see a human life from the moment of conception that handy little term is what is known as the fetus. Semantic wrangling notwithstanding everyone knows fully that a human life has begun at the point of conception not a scientific anomaly. Neither science nor legislation can erase the ache of conscience it can only divert it for a while or provide a flimsy excuse for the self indulgent to dote over until a day of reckoning. Those who dont hide behind scientific words like fetus are prone to adopting the common wisdom of the day to provide them with excuses like I have no education or I havent enough money to bring a child into the world. Since education has only peaked in the last one hundred years youve got to wonder how the worlds civilizations made it up to now without perishing under the weight of pure universal ignorance. Since great warriors emperors presidents statesmen philosophers doctors writers and others have come from great poverty it would seem that the poverty excuse is also moot. Without getting all bogged down in thou shalt nots what does the bible have to say about abortion It says that God knows us before we are born He knows youre going to be born the day of your birth and the day of your death. He even knows how many hairs youve got on your head at anytime. Matthew 1030 The Prophet Isaiah told of a Persian King named Cyrus that would come in time and order the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Isaiah 4428 No big deal until you discover the fact that Isaiah made this prediction over a hundred years before Cyrus was born. Does God know a human life is in the womb Yes and dont worry just like Cyrus he doesnt think your name is Fetus He knows exactly what your name is and He always did figuratively speaking even before you were only a twinkle in your fathers eye. banking services chronicle may 2020 pdf

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