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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bsc Banking Service Chronicle

Bsc Banking Service Chronicle

banking service chronicle february 2021 The commission may among others investigate And examine all matters relating to the safeguards provided for women Under the constitution and other laws present to the central government annually And at such other times as the commission may deem fit reports upon the Working of those safeguard make in such reports recommendations for the Effective implementation of those safeguards for the improving the conditions of Women by the union or any state review from time to time the exiting Provisions of the constitution and other laws affecting women and recommend Amendments thereto so as to suggest remedial legislative measures to meet any Lacunae inadequacies or shortcomings in such legislations take up cases of Violation of the provisions of the constitution and of other laws relating to Women with the appropriate authorities look into complaints etc banking service chronicle february 2021 pdf.

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