competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine  published this article page no 26 aim it mainly aims at saturation of essential government services across multiple domains such as health nutrition education agriculture water resources financial inclusion skill development and basic infrastructure.  key indicators government has identified 15 key socio-economic indicators (ksis) under such multiple domains. o states have the flexibility to include additional state-specific ksis to address local challenges.  periodic rankings the ksis will be tracked on a real-time basis and periodic rankings will be released across key thematic areas to foster a healthy and dynamic competition among the blocks.  focus of programme this transformational programme focuses on improving governance to enhance the quality of life of citizens in the most difficult and underdeveloped blocks of india by converging existing schemes defining outcomes and monitoring them on a constant basis pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription.

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 6  respond to the chinas belligerence in the indo-pacific. promote linkages on the eurasian continent. enhance cooperation with major or rising economies. defend and develop indian strategic interests on both land and water. improving aid programme unlike china and the west india does not have substantial resources to support partner countries. therefore it should emerging opportunities health diplomacy international yoga day and establishment of who global centre for traditional medicine in jamnagar gujarat are the bright spots to enable india to make a coalition of like-minded constituents for negotiations at the who. however the outcomes of global health strategies are tied to the national context. therefore to demonstrate leadership in global health diplomacy india must bolster its own public healthsy system banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher published this article page no 41  with the shift of economic power from west to east experts suggest that absolute and frequent sanctions by the west may put the financial leverage of these countries at risk in the long run. as a result these countries now resort to selective sanctions. recent us sanctions against russia is one such example. the us imports approximately 96% of the countrys potassium fertilizer from russia and relies on russia and its allies kazakhstan and uzbekistan for roughly half of the uranium powering its nuclear plants. imports of neither the potassium fertilizer nor the uranium is on the sanction list. also ban on russias crude oil and gas accounts for only 8% of uss imports general knowledge refresher magazine subscription.

General knowledge refresher

Friday, February 10, 2023

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in december india specific findings 239 new species analysed in india have entered the list of which 29 are threatened. details of some of new threatened species in india species status description white-cheeked dancing frog (micrixalus candidus) endangered only known from a small range with an extent of occurrence of 167 square kilometers (km2) in the western ghats of karnataka a biodiversity hotspot. threatened due to loss of their habitat pollution changes in temperature diseases pests invasive species. andaman smoothhound shark (mustelus andamanensis) vulnerable shark is found in the andaman sea in the eastern indian ocean off the coast of myanmar thailand and the andaman and nicobar islands. it is subject to fishing pressure including trawl longline and gillnet. yellow himalayan fritillary (fritillaria cirrhosa) vulnerable mostly found in the himalayas it occurs in bhutan china india myanmar nepal and pakistan. species is threatened due to unorganised harvest over-extraction unsustainable and premature harvesting of bulbs coupled with illegal hidden markets junior science refresher magazine subscription.

Junior science refresher magazine

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine published this article page no 31 the loyalty of allies suggested that the superpowers were winning the war of ideas as well that liberal democracy and capitalism were better than socialism and communism or vice versa the cuban missile crisis that we began this chapter with was only one of the several crises that occurred during the cold war. the cold war also led to several shooting wars but it is important to note that these crises and wars did not lead to another world war. the two superpowers were poised for direct confrontations in korea 1950 - 53 berlin 1958 - 62 the congo the early 1960s and in several other places. crises deepened as neither of the parties involved was willing to back down. when we talk about arenas of the cold war we refer therefore to areas where crisis and war occurred or threatened to occur between the alliance systems but did not cross certain limits arihant current affairs magazine subscription.

Arihant current affairs magazine