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competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 25, 2021

online test series for sbi po

 online test series for sbi po

online test series for sbi po article about Ten New things learned about human origins in 2020 that Finally, in September, a team led by Hunter College’s Christopher C. Gilbert announced another new fossil primate free online test series for sbi po: this time from a fossil molar of an ape, Kapi ramnagarensis, about 13-million-years old and found at Ramnagar in northern India. best online test series for sbi po This new species pushes the fossil record of gibbons back by about five million years, and provides significant information about when the ancestors of today’s gibbons migrated to Asia from Africa—which was around the same time ancient great apes were undertaking the same migration. sbimahendra online test series fo po No list of important finds in human evolution would be complete without fossil evidence of hominins themselves, and this year the site of Drimolen in South Africa was the big winnerto know more subscribe online practice test for sbi po prelims


SBI Clerk online Practice Test

SBI Clerk online Practice Test

SBI Clerk online Practice Test article about Ten New things learned about human origins in 2020 that Speaking of extreme, researchers now think monkeys rafted all the way across the Atlantic. In April, Erik Seiffert from University of Southern California and colleagues announced a new tiny soup-can-sized fossil monkey species, Ucayalipithecus perdita, sbi bank clerk based on four fossil monkey teeth that they found deep in the Peruvian Amazon. This newly discovered species belongs to an extinct family of African primates known as parapithecids, online exam for sbi clerk which are now the third lineage of mammals that made the more than 900-mile transatlantic journey from Africa to South America, most likely on floating rafts of vegetation that broke off from coastlines during a storm. Sounds improbable, online test series for sbi clerk 2019 but monkeys can survive without access to fresh water if they get enough food—like fruit that could have been growing on a tree and part of the vegetation raft to know more subscribe online mocktest for sbi clerk preliminary

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Banking services chronicle annual subscription

 Banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription  Published this articles page no 112 Today DNA profiling has major utility for confirming if people are related to each other (parenthood testing). It also helps the law enforcement agencies towards solving crimes. Apart from these important discoveries the research on the stem cell is also an important innovation. Such cells have the unique ability to develop into specialised cell types in the body which could be used to replace cells and tissues that have been damaged or lost due to disease. In addition various innovations in the organ donation field which assist to replace (repair) eyes lung heart kidney liver pancreas or intestine have helped human race immensely. banking services chronicle annual subscription


Banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf  Published this articles page no 111  Biology Biotechnology Pharmacy and Medicine are the areas which have witnessed various important innovations over the years. Particularly all these innovations matter much to humanity because they have helped to increase the life expectancy of humans have also found cures to various diseases and have overall assisted to make humans healthier. Invention of Penicillin during 1928 by the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming could be considered as the beginning of the modern era of medicine. It transformed the field of medicine by its ability to cure infectious bacterial diseases. Almost seven decades later during 2001 the secret behind the complete sequence of all three billion base pairs in the human genome was discovered. The discovery of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) has totally revolutionized the field of biology and demonstrated that this discovery would help humans to resolve various challenges beyond medicine. banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf


banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

Banking services chronicle magazine

 Banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine  Published this articles page no 110  In Asia countries like Japan and in the later part of 20thcentury South Korea contributed much towards the industrial revolution. However during the last few decades one country that has shown remarkable progress towards industrialization is China. Countries like Israel and India are known to have made some contributions too with Israel playing a major role in the realm of technology development. The main features of these industrial revolutions are as follows l The First Industrial Revolution 1760 – 1840. It was a period which witnessed the emergence of steam engine textile industry and mechanical engineering l The Second Industrial Revolution 1870 – 1914. The revolution was about emergence of railways and steel industry. l The Third Industrial Revolution 1969 – 2000. Electric engine heavy chemicals automobiles and consumer durables made their presence felt during this period. This is an ongoing phase of this industrial revolution which has also been called as Industry 4.0. Developments in the oil industry and the IT industry have led the initial phase of Industry 4.0. At the same time there are various other S & T innovations which are leading the progression of this industrial revolution. banking services chronicle magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine

Friday, June 11, 2021

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium  Published this articles page no Hardly 4 lakh odd households are now remaining and within the next few weeks, every household of the country will have an electricity connection. No country has witnessed anything on such a scale in such a short span of time. The happiness on the face of the people when their houses are lighted up is something to be seen. shine india magazine english medium

shine india monthly magazine may 2021

 shine india monthly magazine may 2021 

shine india monthly magazine may 2021  Published this articles page no while we continue to increase our capabilities for power generation, we recognize the need to explore avenues that promote energy efficiency. A number of innovative and visionary policy measures have been taken in this field. Household LED bulb distribution program UJALA and SLNP (Streetlight National Project) for replacing conventional streetlights with smart and energy efficient LED street lights have saved billions of unit electricity per year (Table -4). In addition to these, Star labeling program, Energy Conservation Building Code and energy efficiency measures through Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) are also important initiatives in the field of energy efficiency. The first cycle of the PAT for industry achieved savings of more than 8.6 million tons of oil equivalent which is almost 1.23 percent of primary energy supply of India. The second cycle is estimated to achieve even higher savings. shine india monthly magazine may 2021

shine india monthly magazine pdf in telugu 2021

 shine india monthly magazine pdf in telugu 2021


shine india monthly magazine pdf in telugu 2021  Published this articles page no While India needs to develop, it has to do so in a responsible way. We owe our future generations a green and clean planet. This is the reason India is in the process of changing its energy mix. To make our electricity clean and green, we have developed a roadmap to achieve 175 GW capacities in the renewable energy sector by 2022, which includes 100 GW of solar power and 60 GW of wind power. The overall installed capacity of Renewable Energy has been more than doubled in the last four and a half years – from 34,000 MW to 75,000 MW, solar capacity increased 8 times in last 4 years. Today, India stands at 5th position in the world in installed solar capacity, at 4th position in installed wind capacity and at 5th position in over all renewable energy (installed capacity). We are on the way to achieve our commitments. shine india monthly magazine pdf in telugu 2021

shine india magazine march 2021

 shine india magazine march 2021 

shine india magazine march 2021  Published this articles page no Electrical vehicles (EVs) are another major emerging area we are focusing on. The Government has launched the National E–Mobility programmer to promote electric vehicles in a big way. Creation of extensive charging infrastructure is a prerequisite for large scale adoption of EVs. The Ministry of Power is creating an enabling regulatory framework for rapid expansion of charging and storage infrastructure. Our country jumped to 24th rank in 2018 on World Banks Ease of Getting Electricity in the world as against 111th rank in 2014. This is a quantum leap and shows the result oriented approach of the Government. Still we have more to do.... but our vision is clear and our determination is firm. We are committed to an energized India – a prosperous India. shine india magazine march 2021